Sarajevo, 20.11.2023.
The second Audit Methodology Meeting of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) on was held In Warsaw, 15th-16th November 2023, hosted by the Supreme Audit Institution of Poland. The meeting was attended by more than 50 representatives of the Supreme Audit Institutions of EUROSAI, including the Audit Office of the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the Office).
The meeting was organized in three thematic areas: selection of audit topics, quality of conducted audits and communication of audit results.
The representatives of the Office at the meeting, semi-senior performance auditors, Nikola Jokić and Milan Milović, presented to the participants of the meeting, within the first thematic area, the process of performance audit topic selection in the Office. The presentation, through questions and discussion, caused positive reactions and contributed to the overall exchange of experiences in the field of selecting the topics of performance audits.
Presentations through all three thematic areas were followed by moderated interactive workshops where the participants, through discussions and exercises, exchanged opinions, good practices, but also future needs and challenges.
The meeting was organized by Supreme Audit Institutions of Poland and Sweden, co-leaders of the EUROSAI Strategic Goal 2 - development of institutional capacities of members SAIs. The results of the discussions and interactive workshops will be the basis for developing the future activities related to this strategic goal.
Photo credits: SAI Poland